Saturday, July 27, 2013

How did your guys' week go?

Mine flew by without leaving me a chance to look back. Not necessarily a good way, but...I guess it's all good anyway because I'm not officially on my 2 week break (again)! To some, that sounds completely awesome. I mean, 2 weeks off of work? You only get that in school nowadays! Haha, well, not really awesome when that means I don't get a lot of money this month. Poo..for part-time jobs. Anyway, might as well enjoy the break then, right? =D

Again, weather around my neighborhood is not looking great, or will look good any time soon... You see that wiiiiiind~ in the first picture? Yea, I decided to just keep my blazer buttoned for the rest of the pictures... But I still am determined to try and dress nicer as much as I can since I don't have to work! So, here's my outfit for today!

Forever 21 blazer, basic v-neck long sleeve, tank top under that, boyfriend jeans, shoes, and bag from China.

I remember when I first saw this blazer, I think 2 years ago, I immediately fell in love with it. But, I did wait a good month before I finally decided to buy it. I have a tendency to wait before I buy a piece of clothing just to make sure that I really wanted it. I used to impulsively splurge a lot...bad I started doing this little system. Here's how it works, if I see a piece of clothing I think I like, or I do like but it's more on the expensive side, I'll make the best effort to put it back down. I will then tell myself, if after 2 weeks, I still think about it, then I'll go back and get it. Good way to try and save some money, yea? =D 

So, two years later, I'm still in love with it as much as when I first saw it. Definitely worth the wait. 

I know some of you might think, what if it goes out of stock? Then...I'll make myself feel better by saying, "well, I guess it wasn't meant to be after all. If it was meant to be, it will come back in stock, right?". And no, I'm not religious. It's just a way to help myself control the way I spend my money. =]

This outfit is casual, yet put together. This has become my go-to outfit when I want to wear this blazer. Although, only when the weather permits. I have become a little chicken when it comes to cold weather these days. The boyfriend jeans are a little bit too loose for me, as I did buy a size bigger because it was an online item...just in case, you know? Haha. 

I do have a feeling that this is going to be a blazer-like weekend. I already have my outfit for tomorrow in mind, and yes, a blazer will be involved. So stay tune for what comes next for tomorrow! =]

How do you style your blazer?  

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